Why Online Tutoring?

LiveTutor Online seeks to combine important aspects of the tutoring and learning in a simple, intuitive online learning program which combines tutoring with technology.

There are a number of Australian students that have a difficult time with their English and Maths lessons. This can pose a major problem for students as they progress throughout the school year and throughout their careers as students.

Many parents will often feel that it is practically impossible to get their young student the right help. It’s either going to be too expensive to hire a personal tutor, or the parents themselves do not have the available extra time to help their youngsters due to work and other important responsibilities.

While these individuals certainly feel that their young student is the most important part of their lives, they also have financial responsibilities and other obligations that will prevent them from helping these youngsters with their home work.

In a situation like this, an online tutor program is definitely the ideal option for a number of different reasons.

 Reasons Why Parents Should Choose LiveTutor Online

There are many reasons Parents should choose online tutoring.

1.  LiveTutor Online software was designed by child education experts – this is the perfect solution because they know precisely what your student needs to learn, and they know what most students typically struggle with when learning English and Maths.

2. The software is specifically created to help young students that struggle with certain parts of English and Maths.

3. Lessons specifically tailored to meet individual student needs and skill sets – this is an important aspect because each student will have their own challenges that they face.

4. Online tutoring software from LiveTutor Online is set up so that it is specifically tailored to help your child based on his or hers particular skill set.

5. We understand the challenges parents often face in finding quality time to sit with each child at homework time whilst also juggling after school activities, competing schedules and the needs of other family members.

LiveTutor Online Benefits

Customised lesson plans

Our lessons plans are tailored so your child can work at their level, and just go one step at a time. The online lesson plans are customised by our tutors and the lesson plans identifies and maximises opportunities for growth.

Expert online support

The LiveTutor Online Support network is a team of professional tutors with comprehensive understanding of the platform. We are available to discuss how student are going, to answer any questions they may have and to suggest the most appropriate exercises and topics for them to do on our program.

Face-to-Face advice and help

Our Tutors are available to talk students through any difficult concepts they have covered in class or that may have cropped up in the homework. Likewise, our tutors are happy to review essays and maths for exam preparation or other written tasks for school an provide structures and useful feedback before or after these are submitted.

Our Online Programs

Our programs are tailored to support children’s learning, boost confidence, self-esteem and empower and engage both the child and parent so if your child is struggling to understand concepts and processes, we have a program to provide our child with the solutions they need to start laughing and enjoying school again! We have a program that enables us to provide your child with the personalised solution they need.
Mother and Daughter Learning

Junior Years

Year K-3

Students in Kindergarten to Year 3 will benefit from the fun and interactive software from LiveTutor Online. It helps to establish a foundation in subtraction, addition, counting, measurement and shapes.

Primary Years

Year 4-6

At the primary level, the program is designed to help students from Year 3 to Year 6. The program has specifically been set up so that students can select areas of their current classwork while using the software.

Senior Years

Year 7-12

Senior students from Year 7 to Year 12 will use LiveTutor Online to cover key concepts for English and Maths problems at the high school level.

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